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Christianity Isn’t dying, Cultural Christianity Is.

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--- Quote from: JB Horn on October 28, 2012, 06:06:34 pm ---Tell me Mac , the church being in decline, do you believe this is a sign that the times of the Gentiles have been fulfilled?


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What I understand what we are talking about here is a time when all Gentiles had the opportunity to hear the gospel. If we are talking that all Gentiles must have heard the gospel, then I think that is an impossibility and it will never occur, there always be somebody somewhere that had not heard of the cross.

To answer your question instead of concentrating on the American church I would look at countries like Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia and asked myself have the Gentiles in those countries had a chance to hear about Christ. And I don't think that they have as of yet so the answer I would give your question is NO.


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