Bible Talk > Sound doctrine

Who teaches sound doctrine?

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Every time I get into this discussion I think of Rick Warren and his Seeker Friendly Church.

Warren says, (The Purpose-Driven Church)

Figure out what mood you want your service to project, and then create it. (p. 264); We start positive and end positive. (p. 271); We use humor in our services ... it is not a sin to help people feel good. (p. 272); Cultivate an informal, relaxed, and friendly atmosphere. (p. 272); We made a strategic decision to stop singing hymns in our seeker services. (p. 285); We have attracted thousands more because of our music. (p. 285); Saddleback now has a complete pop/rock orchestra. (p. 290); Use more performed music than congregational singing ... (p. 291) (emphasis on entertainment); The ground we have in common with unbelievers is not the Bible, but our common needs, hurts, and interests as human beings. You cannot start with a text ... (p. 295); Make your members feel special ... they need to feel special. (p. 320,323)
Being seeker sensitive in our worship is a biblical command” (p. 243) and “Keep your pastoral prayers short in your seeker services. . . . The unchurched can’t handle long prayers; their minds wander or they fall asleep.” 

For am I now trying to win the favor of people, or God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ. (Gal. 1:10-11) HCS

It is about Jesus Christ crucified for sin, that is the message that will grow the Church.

There is an organization of churches in the north west that rates it's member churches partly by the number of baptisms the preform each month.

I ask you which congregation will God bless, the Saddleback church with it's rock and roll band or a home church in Iraq that has to hide it's one copy of the bible under the floor boards of the house for fear of death?


The Purpose-Driven Lukewarm Church

Jack Koons:
The problem is, it isn't just Rick Warren. When Oprah Winfrey went to visit Joel Osteen in Texas, she spoke of hearing nothing but negative preaching on sin as a child; then stated how much better it was to hear a positive message from Joel! (Oh goodie!)

People need to hear about their sin, and God's mercy and grace. We need to know that were it not for the grace of God, we we would all be in Hell. The only thing that sustained us is His mighty hand!


Agree with the general idea that today's church is a watered down Gospel.  However I think it is like elderly people complaining that people of this generation do not show respect  to people while failing to acknowledge that the current generation is a product of the upbringing of the previous generation.

the current church is failing because of the deficiency of the previous generation.  Does that excuse the current generation, NO , but there is plenty of blame to go around to the previous generations too.  So many things that are not biblical but are compulsory in many churches traditions become doctrine which people rebel against and through out the good doctrine with it.

Some easy target to show my point.
Christians should be clean shaven - bible ref please
Christians should wear a tie/suit  - bible ref please
How many overweight preaches preach against smoking and drinking in moderation but gluttony which is actually mentioned in the bible - never (drunkenness is a different issue) ref I do not smoke or drink..BUT it is not because it is a biblical issue but a personal one.


--- Quote from: michaelf on July 01, 2013, 05:26:35 pm --- So many things that are not biblical but are compulsory in many churches traditions become doctrine which people rebel against and through out the good doctrine with it.

Some easy target to show my point.
Christians should be clean shaven - bible ref please
Christians should wear a tie/suit  - bible ref please
How many overweight preaches preach against smoking and drinking in moderation but gluttony which is actually mentioned in the bible - never (drunkenness is a different issue) ref I do not smoke or drink..BUT it is not because it is a biblical issue but a personal one.

--- End quote ---

What you're describing is pretty much what the Pharisees did back in Christ time. They added to the law, and lived a hypocritical life.

As far as who is responsible, I believe that anyone who has not held to sound doctrine is responsible.

The world is in a heap of trouble, but we were forewarned.


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