Author Topic: 5 questions and the 5 solas  (Read 1334 times)

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5 questions and the 5 solas
« on: February 07, 2015, 10:08:31 am »
The Protestant Reformation threw the Christian world into chaos. At the beginning of the 1400’s the Pope’s authority was absolute and the only means of salvation were the sacraments given under his auspices. There was a secular/sacred distinction that was ironclad, meaning that the priests and laity lived in practically two separate worlds. There was no concept of church membership, corporate worship, preaching, or Bible reading in the churches. And as far as doctrine was concerned, there was no debate—the creeds and declarations from Rome (and soon to be Avignon) were the law.
Things had been this way for six hundred years. In a world where life expectancy was in the 30’s, that is essentially the same as saying that the church had been in the dark forever.
But if you fast-forward to the end of the 1500’s, all of that had been turned on its head. The absolute nature of the Pope’s rule and vanished—in large part owing to the Babylonian Captivity of the church (the 40 year period were two rival popes both ruled, and both excommunicated each other—finally to both be deposed by a church council). Church councils themselves had contradicted themselves so many times that their own authority was openly ridiculed. The Holy Roman Empire was no longer relevant, and the political world had simply passed the Pope by. 
These five phrases are not an extensive statement on theology, but instead served simply as a way to explain what the content of the gospel was to which Protestants held.
Sola Fide—Faith alone
Solus Christus—Christ alone
Sola Scriptura—Scripture alone
Sola Gratia—Grace alone
Soli Deo Gloria—God’s glory alone

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Re: 5 questions and the 5 solas
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2015, 05:28:23 pm »
I think that Sola Scriptura covers all 5, it's all laid out in the Scriptures.  ;)

JB Horn

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Re: 5 questions and the 5 solas
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2015, 05:05:06 pm »
I think that Sola Scriptura covers all 5, it's all laid out in the Scriptures.  ;)

I Agree!