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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2016, 11:00:07 pm »
( Continued )
Hear this!

"Ye chosen seed of Israel's race –
Ye ransomed from the fall!"
Again we say, hear this! "In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the WORD was made flesh, and dwelt among us full of grace and truth. He came to his own [Judah] and his own [the Jews] received him not." So he said to his disciples, "Go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Christ, the Divine WORD was "SENT" "into Jacob," bringing life, light, grace, and truth, but Judah rejected the word sent from God, so it lighted upon Israel. Thus, the Apostle Paul, who was brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, and who was raised a Pharisee of the strictest sort, under­stood himself perfectly, when he said, "Israel [as a whole] bath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election [Ephraim-Israel] hath obtained it, and the rest [Jewish-Israel] were blinded." Who, "as concerning the gospel are enemies; but as touch­ing the election [racial] are beloved for the fathers' sakes." Hence, "blindness in part [or blindness to a part] is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in."

But of that part of the elect race which is appointed to be the recipients of the word which God sent. Paul says, "There is a remnant according to the elec­tion of grace," and it is the people who belong to the election of grace, that follow the colonies of that elect race, and plant the standard of the gospel of the grace of the Son of God among the nations of the earth. Thus the Messianic promise, which the Lord made to Abraham, that in his seed all the nations of the earth should be blessed, has received a double fulfillment, in that those who carry the message of the One Seed, are also the seed of Abraham. This is true either nation­ally or spiritually, for all who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ, are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. And it is also true that the Anglo-Saxons are pre-eminently the evangel­ists of the world.

In spite of all the facts to the contrary, there is a class of teachers who without one word of historic proof insist upon teaching that the Egypt-Israelites returned with the Jews. Here is the argument of a commentator who has written two commentaries on "The Revelation." He is a good man and has a pure heart; but in so far as this subject is concerned, he cer­tainly has not informed himself. He first asks the question: "Were not the ten tribes lost after the de­portation of Shalmanezar, as none but Judah and Ben­jamin returned in the Exodus of Nehemiah?" And answers it thus: "There is a general misapprehension and delusion on that subject. As the ten tribes were carried into captivity a hundred and thirty-four years before Judah and Benjamin; yet doubtless many of the ten tribes returned with them to Palestine. So the ten tribes were not lost, but they simply lost their tribe-hood, as they did not return in their organized tribes, but as individuals. Hence all of this hue and cry about the lost tribes, ransacking all the world to find them, and writing vast volumes, is a piece of twaddle and nonsense."

Thus with one presumptive wave of the hand he at­tempts to sweep from before our eyes the most im­portant subject, so far as the vindication of the Word of God is concerned, that has ever made an appeal to a Bible-loving people for an honest hearing.

This same commentator speaks of "The Exodus of Nehemiah," and of the number that returned "under Nehemiah," as though there were but one Exodus from Babylon. Whereas there were two, the first and largest being under Ezra, while that of Nehemiah was fourteen years later, and was composed of those Jews "which were left" of the Babylonish captivity, who did not go up with the first or Ezra exodus.

He further says: "The ten tribes had been in the Chaldean Empire two hundred years at the time of the Exodus." But it is written "that Israel was taken into Assyria, and placed in the regions of the rivers Hilah and Habor," a region of country more than five hun­dred miles from Babylon. To us it seems an insult to the integrity of God for any man to presume that the ten tribes ever saw Babylon.

This commentator still further says: "Of course they were but a fraction of Judah and Benjamin" which returned. But God says: "All the men of Judah and Benjamin gathered themselves together unto Jerusa­lem, and EVERY ONE unto his city." Is there any question here as to which we shall believe? None whatever; but, since our brother says that only a frac­tion of Judah and Benjamin returned, we would ask:

Where are the remaining fractions from which that fraction was taken? And since he tells us that doubt­less many of the ten tribes returned with that fraction, we would ask: Where is the whole number from which the many came? And, without waiting for an an­swer, we will hasten to say that when this man was driven to use the "doubtless" argument, he had evi­dently lost something, and that the people in question are lost, at least to him.

When the Lord had determined to give Israel a bill of divorce, he called Hosea to prophesy against her, and, in order to have a perfect type of her adulterous condition, made him take a wife of whoredoms and bear children of whoredoms because the people of "the land had committed great whoredoms, departing from the Lord."

As the wife of the prophet bore children, the Lord took the privilege of naming them, and in each name uttered a prophecy.

When the first daughter was born, "God said unto him, Call her name Lo-ruhamah [which means, not having obtained mercy], for I will no more have mercy upon the house of Israel; but I will utterly take them away. But I will have mercy upon the house of Judah," (Hosea 1:6, 7).

"Now when she [the prophet's wife] had weaned Lo-ruhamah, she conceived and bare a son. Then said God, Call his name Lo-ammi [which means, not my people], for ye are not my people, and I will not be your God. Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sands of the sea, which cannot be meas­ured nor numbered -- and it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the Living God," (Hosea 1:8-10). Beloved, do you catch the wonderful meaning to all this? Look! The name of the newborn son is Lo-ammi, for God refuses any longer to be the God of that people among whom the child is born; he casts them off and forsakes them.

"Yet" -- O do you see the immutability of the prom­ise of the covenant-making and covenant-keeping Je­hovah, who after making an unconditional promise must keep it, even if some conditions do change? God has said it. He cannot lie; with him there is "no vari­ableness nor shadow of turning." He has promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that their seed shall become "many nations." "I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven." "I will make thee fruitful and multiply thee." "Thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south." And then he told Joseph that all these promises should be fulfilled in his sons, at that same time making Ephraim his first-born. Then in due time he separated the Sceptre and the Birthright, causing all the tribes to gather under the one or the other, making two king­doms of the entire Abrahamic posterity, saying, "This thing is of me."

But now "Ephraim-Israel is joined to his idols." "They are not my people," "I will not be their God," "I cast them out"; and "Yet," in spite of this, and al­though driven from home by their enemies, "yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sands of the sea, which cannot be numbered." This language proves that, although cast off, they must still increase and fulfill their God-appointed destiny by growing into a multitude of people in the midst of the earth, and in due time become a great nation or a company of nations. Also, the words which immediately follow these show that, while in that cast-out condition, and while developing into their destiny as regards mul­tiplicity, they will become lost, so lost that they them­selves will not know who they are. For it shall come to pass that, in the place where they go, they will be told that they are not the people of God, that they are not Jacob's seed, that they are not Israel, as at the time of the casting off they knew themselves to be. And when they are told that they are not the people of God they shall have so forgotten their origin, that they will believe it. This being the case, they certainly will be LOST, at least to themselves, and will need some one to prove to them that they are the descendants of God's chosen people. So, when the time comes, the Lord has said that those persons shall be there, and shall say unto them: "Ye are the sons of the Living God."

While Israel was true to the Lord, she was likened to a delicate and comely woman, and the Lord called her his wife; but when she became an idolatrous na­tion, she was called a harlot, and the Lord treated her as a woman who had broken wedlock, by giving her a bill of divorce. After the Lord has "cast her out of his sight," and allowed her to be carried away into the Assyrian captivity, she is spoken of in prophecy as "forsaken," a woman in "widowhood," "a wife of youth," "refused," "barren" and "desolate."

But the Lord made a promise of redemption to that same desolate one, saying: "Thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth and shalt not remember the re­proach of thy widowhood any more. For thy Maker is thy husband [once more], the Lord of Hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; the God of the whole earth shall be called. For the Lord hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when thou wast refused, saith thy God. For a small moment have I forsaken thee, but with great mercies will I gather thee," (Isa. 54:4-7).

You will also find by consulting this same chapter that, while barren, forsaken, and desolate, this same woman was to become the mother of more children than while married, or, in other words, Israel was to increase while cast out more than before. This is exactly what the prophet Hosea has declared in the prophecy which we have been considering.

The Lord further uses Hosea to teach that Israel would become lost after being cast out in the follow­ing: "For she said: I will go after my lovers (Israel is swallowed up: now shall they be among the Gentiles as a vessel wherein is no pleasure, for they are gone up to Assyria, a wild ass alone by himself: Ephraim hath hired lovers), that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil and my drink. Therefore, behold, I will hedge up thy way with thorns, and make a wall, that SHE SHALL NOT FIND HER PATHS," (Hosea 8:8, 9; 2:5, 6).

To show that the Scriptures, which we have just quoted, refer to Israel, aside from the Jews, we call your attention to the opening words of the chapter in which the non-parenthetical, or enclosing text appears, which is as follows: "Say ye unto your brethren Ammi, and to your sisters, Ruhamah. Plead with your mother, plead! for she is not my wife, neither am I her hus­band."

When God gave to Israel the name of Lo-ammi, or not my people, it was because he had cast them off, and they were no longer his people. For when the Lord gives a name to a person, or a nation, he names them in harmony with their character or condition. But while it is true that Israel was not at that time the people of God, it is true that Judah was then ruling with him, and was counted among the faithful; hence, they were Ammi, or the people of God.

Also when God gave to Israel the name of Lo-ru­hamah, the meaning of which is, not having obtained mercy, he did so because that name was characteristic of his attitude toward them, at that time, for he de­clared that he would no longer have mercy upon them, but would cast them out. But at that same time he said, "I will have mercy upon the house of Judah." So, if Israel was Lo-ruhamah, the one not having obtained mercy, then Judah was Ruhamah, the one which obtained mercy. For that word "Lo" is the Hebrew neg­ative, and, in the Scriptures under consideration, the words Ammi, Lo-ammi, Ruhamah, and Lo-ruhamah are Hebrew words which are transferred, but not translated.

These things being true, it is clear that the brethren Ammi, and their sisters Ruhamah, who are exhorted to plead, are the Jews and Jewesses of the kingdom of Judah. It is they who are exhorted to plead with their mother, i.e., to plead with that out from which they came, namely: THE KINGDOM OF ISRAEL.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2016, 11:00:33 pm »
( Continued )

Yes, Israel, she of whom the Lord hath said: "She is not my wife, neither am I her husband;" she, the woman of whoredom: she, the woman who had broken wedlock; she, who had run after hired lovers; she, who asked counsel of cattle and stone images; she, who was joined to Jeroboam's calves, and of whom, after she was sent adrift, the Lord said that he would hedge up her way, and make a wall, "that she shall not find her paths," i.e., lost.

The Lord further declares, "When Ephraim spake trembling he exalted himself in Israel; but when he offended in Baal he died. And now they sin more and more, and have made them molten images of their sil­ver, and idols according to their own understanding, all of it the work of craftsmen; they say of them, Let the men who sacrifice kiss the calves. Therefore they shall be as the morning cloud, and as the early dew that pass­eth away, as the chaff that is driven with the whirlwind out of the floor, and as the smoke out of the chimney," (Hosea 13:1-3).

After the smoke out of a chimney has disappeared, after the sun has risen and scattered the morning cloud, after the dew has been drawn from leaf and blade, and passed away -- if we were to ask you to hunt that scattered cloud, to search for that smoke, and find again that dew, we are certain you would be will­ing to admit that they were lost. This is certainly what the Lord intends us to understand concerning the kingdom known as Israel, for subsequent to this, and yet prior to the time when the Jews went into the Baby­lonian captivity, he declares, through Jeremiah the prophet, "My people have been lost sheep."

Ezekiel not only corroborates these prophets, but he visited Israel about twelve years before Nebuchad­nezzar destroyed Jerusalem and took the Jews to Baby­lon. He says, "As I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God," (Ezek. 1:1). You will find by con­sulting the map that this river Chebar is in the same region of country with Habor, Halah and the river Gozan, where the Israelites were deported by Shalman­eser, king of Assyria. In fact, the rivers Gozan and Halah empty into the Chebar, which, in turn, empties into the Euphrates. Chebar, Chabor, Habor, Kebah and Heber are only different forms of the same word.

Ezekiel continues and says, "Then I came to them of the captivity at Tel-abib, that dwelt by the river of Che­bar, and I sat where they sat, and remained there astonished among them seven days. And it came to pass at the end of seven days, that the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel," (Ezek. 3:15, 17). Then after speaking of many who should be destroyed by sword, famine and pestilence because of their abomin­ations, how that he would scatter their bones round about the altars of their idols, he says: "Yet I will leave a remnant, that ye may have some that shall escape the sword among the nations, when he shall be scattered through the countries. And they that es­cape of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried," (Ezek. 6:8, 9).

Again, the offended God of Israel uses Ezekiel to declare, "I will scatter thee among the heathen and disperse thee in the countries, and will" -- What? De­stroy them? No, but -- "consume thy filthiness out of thee," (Ezek. 22:15). After this, the Lord declares this dispersion to have been accomplished, saying: "I scattered them among the heathen and they were dis­persed through the countries . . . and when they entered into the heathen, whither they went, they profaned my holy name, when they said to them, These are the people of the Lord, and are gone forth out of his land. But I had pity for mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went. Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God, I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. And I will sanctify my great name . . . and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord God, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land," (Ezek. 36:19-24).

The Jews were taken into Babylon and returned from thence; but the house of Israel, as herein stated, was scattered throughout all countries. But for the vindication of his holy name, he declared that he should yet be sanctified in the eyes of all nations, by saving Israel and bringing them back to their own land. When this takes place, Israel shall come out from all coun­tries.

In two of these quotations they are called, "The dispersed." This will enable us to understand Zeph. 3:10 -- "From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, my sup­pliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.”

Since we understand that "the dispersed" are the ten tribes, which composed the Birthright kingdom, we comprehend the grave import of the question asked by the chief man of Judah in the following: "When the Pharisees heard that the people murmured such things concerning him; and the Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers to take him. Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while am I with you, and then I go unto him that sent me. Ye shall seek me and shall not find me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come. Then said the Jews among themselves, ‘Whither will he go that we cannot find him? "Will he go unto the dispersed among the Gentiles?’ " (John 7:32-35).

This very question reveals the fact that the Jews knew that the ten tribes were dispersed among the nations, and that they did not know where they were; hence, that they could not go to them. They also comprehended the fact that, if this man called Christ should prove to be the long-expected Messiah, he did know where the lost people were, and could go to them. It is also an admission, from the chief men of Judah, that a portion of the race were lost.

Isaac Leeser, an eminent Jewish scholar, who trans­lated the Hebrew Scriptures for the English speaking Jews, says in his great work, "The Jewish Religion," Vol. I, page 256: "Let us observe that by this return of the captives (from Babylon) the Israelitish nation was not restored; since the ten tribes, who had for­merly composed the kingdom of Israel, were yet left in banishment; and to this day the researches of travelers and wise men have not been able to trace their fate."

Micah, also, falls into exact line with the rest of the prophets, for through him the Lord declares: "I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in the midst of their fold, they shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men. The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and passed through the gate, and are gone out by it; and their king shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them," (Micah 2:12, 13).

The reason the Lord says that he will assemble and put them together is, that, prior to the time when Shal­maneser took the main body of the kingdom of Israel into Assyria, it seems that a former king (Tiglath-Pileser) had taken the Reubenites, the Gadites, a portion of Naphtali, and one of the half tribes of Manasseh, "And brought them unto Halah, and Habor and Hara, and to the river Gozan." Later, the rest of the ten tribes were brought to this same region.

As we have already noted, the last that Josephus knew concerning the ten tribes, is that they were be­yond the river Euphrates. This river rises at the foot of Mount Ararat, up in the Caucasian Pass, between the Black and Caspian seas. Israel, making a great noise because of the multitude, went out through this pass, or gate, or entrance.

What is meant by the king passing on before them is explained later.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2016, 11:02:34 pm »
( Continued )

The question naturally arises, "How did the prince, the highest branch of the cedar of Lebanon, get to the isles of the sea?" To get to the bottom of that which is involved in the reply to this question we will need to understand some of the characteristics, and acquaint ourselves with some of the prophecies, which pertain to the tribe of Dan.

The prophecies which dying Jacob gave concerning what the posterity of each of his sons was to become in the last days, is recorded in the forty-ninth chapter of Genesis. In the seventeenth verse is a part of the prophecy concerning the tribe of Dan, the first clause of which, according to the King James' transla­tion, reads as follows: "Dan shall be a serpent by the way." But a better translation is as follows: "Dan shall be a serpent's trail." A few points in the history of the children of Dan will show us how they became a serpent's trail.

In the division of the land by lot, a narrow strip of seacoast country, west of Ephraim and Benjamin, fell to Dan. But this country soon became too small for the tribe, as we are told in the following: "The coast of the children of Dan went out too little for them; therefore the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem, and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and possessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan, their father," (Joshua 19:47).

Concerning the Danites, we have also the follow­ing: "And there went from thence of the family of the Danites, out of Zorab and out of Eshtaol, six hundred men appointed with weapons of war. And they went up, and pitched in Kirjathjearim, in Judah; wherefore they called that place Mahaneh-dan unto this day," (Judges 18:11-12).

Again we are told concerning this same company of six hundred that they came to Laish, "A people that were at quiet and secure; and they smote them with the edge of the sword, and burnt the city with fire.... And they built a city and dwelt therein. And they called the name of the city DAN, after the name of Dan, their father, who was born unto Israel; howbeit the name of the city was Laish at the first," (Judges 18:29).

A company of Danites went to Leshem, and it became Dan. A company of Danites went to Kirjath­jearim, and it became Mahaneh-Dan. They went on to Laish, and it ceased to exist, but they left their trail, i.e., DAN, the name of their father, and thus their trail can be traced, not only from Dan to Beer-Sheba, but to the islands of the sea both by land and by water, for Dan had an inland country and a coast country. The inland company of Danites went west with the Overland Column, and the coast company went by water, for "Dan abode in his ships."

Thus we have the prophecy concerning the ships of Tarshish, i.e., the ends of the world: "Be still (margin: silent) ye inhabitants of the isles; thou whom the merchants of Zidon, that pass over the sea, have replenished," (Isa. 23:2). Also, in the sixth verse, is the following: "Pass ye over to Tarshish: howl, ye inhabitants of the isle. Is this your joyous city [Tyre] whose antiquity is of ancient days? Her own feet [means of travel] shall carry her afar off to sojourn."

In these scriptures we are informed that the isles of the sea were replenished by the ships whose seaports were Tyre and Zidon, which were ports of Palestine. Also the people by whom the islands were replenished, or peopled, are commanded to keep silent; just as this same prophet, in another place, commands Israel in the island to keep silent until they should renew their strength.

When Shalmanesar descended upon Israel, he did not disturb those portions of the tribes of Dan and Simeon, which were dwelling on the southwest coast of Palestine, for the kingdom of Judah was then at peace with Assyria and lay between them and Samaria. However, both Dan and Simeon had large colonies in the interior, Dan in the north (Judges 18) and Simeon in the east, at Mount Sier, the region formerly occu­pied by the Amelekites (I Chron. 4:42-43). These portions of Dan and Simeon went with the rest of Samaria-Israel into Assyria, and with them passed out through the Caucasian Pass. The territory into and through which the ten tribes made their escape was just north of the Caucasus, which in ancient geog­raphy, as may be seen by consulting ancient maps, was known as the territory of the Sarmatians, while the pass, or gate, was sometimes called "The Sarma­tian Gate." Not a few have shown, and upon good grounds, that the name of Sarmatia was derived from Samaria, the earlier home of these wandering people, whose general name among themselves was Scoloti, but whom the Greeks called Scythians, or Nomades. From that word Scoloti we have the more modern name Scoti, and the still more modern Scots, which, of course, mean the same as the Greek, Scythia and Nomades, i.e., wanderers.

But this is only one of the many names by which these wanderers, or Scots, may be traced, for in their western march across the European continent, which was necessarily slow, Ephraim did obey the prophetic injunction, "Set thee up waymarks," (Jer. 31:21). And just here we must keep in mind the fact that in the ancient Hebrew there are no written vowels, and that in the word Dan there are only two letters used which are equivalent to the English D and N. Hence it makes no difference if the word is Dan, Don, Dun, Din or Den, it is equal to the Hebrew D-n, in which the speaker sounds the vowel according to character­istics of his own dialect.

On the west side of the Black Sea, there is, accord­ing to ancient geography, a region which was called "Moesia," signifying the land of the Moses-ites, and the people of which were called Moesi, or Mosesites. These people had such great reverence for a person whom they called Zal-moxis, whom Herodotus, the father of history, supposed to be their God, and con­cerning whom he concludes his account as follows: “Zalmoxis must have lived many years before Pythagoras; whether therefore he was a man ot a deity of the Getae, enough has been said of him." T. R. Howlett says, "Zalmoxis, whom Herodotus sup­posed them to worship as a god, is without doubt Moses; Zal signifying "chief," or "leader," while Moxis and Aloses are but the Greek for the Hebrew Mosie, which is also rendered Moses in our tongue.

Moesia was bounded on the south by Mace-Don-ia and the Dar-DAN-ells, and on the north by the river DAN-ube. In the territory of Sarmatia, which in some maps is Scythia, in others Gomer, there are the rivers D-n-iper, D-n-ister, and the DON. The fact that the Dnieper and the Dniester are written without a vowel between the D and the N is quite as significant as the fact that the Don has one.

Professor Totten says: "There is no grander theme upon the scrolls of history than the story of this strug­gle of the Anglo-Saxons westward. The very streams of Europe mark their resting-places, and in the root of nearly all their ancient names (Dan, or Don) recall the sacred stream, Jor-dan -- river of rest -- from whose banks, so far away, as exiles, they set out. It was either the little colony of Dan, obeying its tribal proclivity for naming everything it captured (Jud. 18:1-12-29) after their father, or else the mere survival of a word and custom; but, none the less, it serves to trace these wanderers like a trail. Hence the Dan-ube, the Dan-ieper, the Dan-iester, the Dan-au, the Dan-inn. the Dan-aster, the Dan-dan, the Dan-ez, the Daci and Davi, the Dan, the Don, the U-don the Eri-don, and the thousand other dans and dons of ancient and early geography, down to the Danes in Dan-emerke, or "Dan's last resting place." To this we would add, that, during all these years of blindness concerning the birthright tribes, the people of Den-mark have been called DAN-es, and that the people in contiguous coun­tries, while having different local names, have been called by the same generic name, i.e., Scan-DIN-navia. Also that Denmark, the modern form of Danemerke, means "Dan's mark," that too, to the people of the lost birthright. The very people who have hunted most for the way-marks which God told them to set up.

All that Scandinavian country, and much more, once belonged to Denmark, which is now reduced to a comparatively small region. Yet we believe that little kingdom will stand until the end of this age. When dying Jacob called his sons together about him that he might tell them what their posterity should become in the last days, he began his prophecy con­cerning Dan as follows: "Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel." Then, immediately following, is the expression, "Dan shall be a serpent by the way." (Isaac Leeser's translation.)

In this prophecy Jacob does not say, as many seem to think, that Dan in the last days shall become the ruler of the other tribes of Israel; for the Eternal One has said, "Judah is my law giver." But what Jacob does say is, that Dan as one of the tribes of Israel shall render a verdict, or judge his people Israel. How? Because he shall, like a serpent, leave his mark or trail, that Israel may find it in the last days, and that they may say, "There is one of the lost tribes of Israel." When this verdict has been rendered, then Dan will have judged his people Israel. It may be that the word Israel, as used in the prophecy above, is used in its broadest sense, and includes both the house of Israel and the house of Judah. We are inclined to this opinion, for reasons which follow:

When Dan was born, Rachel said: "God hath judged me, and bath also heard my voice, and bath given me a son; therefore she called his name Dan." The word in Hebrew means "Judge," and Daniel means "The judge of God." Thus Dan "judge," and El "God," hence Daniel, the judge of God. Thus Jacob in his last day's prophecy concerning the tribe of Dan plays on their tribal name, and says the judge shall judge, or, in other words, that Dan shall Dan. What? Dan shall Dan! Yes; and he certainly has Dan-ed, and Dan-ed, and Dan-ed, and kept on Dan-ing until he has given abundant evidence to his people that he is one of the tribes of Israel, for they now see the mark of his trail, i.e., DAN.

It is now more than two hundred and fifty years since a Danish peasant, who, with his daughter, was follow­ing their plow in their native country. when the daugh­ter's plow turned up a bright and glittering something, which upon examination proved to be a golden trumpet. It was taken to the authorities, and, beyond all doubt, identified as one of the SEVEN Golden Trumpets used in the altar service of the temple at Jerusalem. This trumpet, which is now in the National Museum at Copenhagen, is ornamented with a lily and pomegranate the lily being the national flower of Egypt, and the pomegranate that of Palestine -- thus showing the half Egyptian and half Israelitish origin of the birthright nation of which the tribe of Dan was a part.

Just before Moses died, he, like Jacob, gave prophecies concerning each tribe in Israel, and of Dan he said: "Dan is a lion's whelp; he shall leap from Bashan." Bashan was on Palestinean territory, hence Dan is to leap from that country, but it is left for history to tell where that leap landed him. And it is a well-authenti­cated fact that, after the coast colonies of Dan and Simeon knew that their king and their brethren were defeated, then they embarked in their ships and fled to the islands of the sea which are to the northwest of Europe. For the people who are known by all his­torians to have been the first settlers of Ireland are called "Tuatha de Danaans," which literally means "The tribe of Dan." These Danaans of Ireland corre­spond to the Danaoi of the Greeks, and Latin Danas, and the Hebrew Dan.

The Lord, by the mouth of the Psalmist, declares that "He breaketh [or driveth] the ships of Tarshish with an east wind." As these Si-don-ians from the port of Si-don are driven, like Ephraim, WEST by an east wind, they not only leave their trail along the shores of the Mediterranean in Dens, Dins and Dons, but on the Peninsula of Spain. Just before passing out through the strait into the great waters they left a mark that remains unto this day, i.e., Me-din-a Si­don-ia.

That Dan's leap landed him in Ireland is evident, for in that island we find to this day Dans-Lough, Dan-Sower, Dan-Monism, Dun-dalke, Dun-drum, Don-e­gal Bay and Don-e-gal City, with Dun-glow and Lon-don-derry just north of them. But there is also Din-gle, Dun-garven and Duns-more, which means "More Dan's." And, really, there are so many more that we have no space for them, except to mention Dan­gan Castle, where the Duke of Wellington was born, and to say that Dunn in the Irish language means just what Dan means in the Hebrew, i.e., a judge.

It is remarkable that there is not only a river Don in Scotland, but also a river Doon, and that there is also a river Don in England. Also that these countries are as full of Dans, Dons and Duns as Ireland, for in them are not only such names as Dundee, Dunkirk, Danbar, Dunraven, and many others, but the name of DAN, the son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, lies buried in the name of their capital cities, i.e., E-DAN-burgh and Lon-don. Surely Dan hath Dan-ed, or judged among his people, and thus fulfilled the sure word of prophecy.

We are told that, in the days of Solomon, "Every three years came the ships of Tarshish." Eight hun­dred and sixty years before Christ we are told that Jonah went to Joppa, a seaport within the borders of Dan, and found a ship going to Tarshish, and that he took passage in it to go to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. Just how long the ships of Palestinean seaports had been replenishing, or colonizing, the isles, even before the Assyrian captivity of the ten tribes, is not known, but historians place the time as early as 900 B. C. This gives abundant time for some prince of the Zarah branch of Judah's family to have preceded Israel to the isles, and to have had a large colony even before the Birthright went to Assyria, an event which did not occur until 721 B. C. That one of those princes did precede Israel to the isles of the sea is evident; first, because God says he did, and, second, because it is recorded in the Milesian records of Ireland that the prince Herremon, to whom Tea Tephi was married, was a prince of the "Tuatha de Daanans."

Mark this! If that prince was a prince of the tribe of Dan -- and authentic history declares he was -- then he was a prince of the family of Judah, for there can be no Prince of Dan other than a prince of the royal family of HIS RACE, and that family has but one fountain head, i.e., Judah, the fourth son of Jacob and Leah, to whom pertains the sceptre blessing.

But this rule seems to have worked both ways, for the family ensign of Judah is a lion, and since one of his whelps (young lion) went to the northwest isles with Dan, as a matter of course the ensign of his fam­ily, the royal family, went with him. Thus it became associated with the "Tuatha de Daanans," the tribe of Dan, and in time found its way into their national seal. See the accompanying cut.

The figure on this seal is described as "A Lion's Whelp with a Serpent's Tail." The largest of these represent Denmark, and the other two Norway and Sweden, which were at that time under the dominion of Denmark.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2016, 12:52:38 am »
Thank you for that confirmation.

However, the author missed a piece or two when putting that together. The restoration of Israel requires the reuniting of all 13 tribes, being just one of those.

If Dan was the pioneer, and took up his position in the north as before, could the other Lost Tribes have been far behind? Ephraim, the economic and military superpower among the tribes, should be in the Southwest, and Manasseh, just north of there. These are indeed the places from which the rider was thrown, and from which the New World was colonized, thus fitting both of those patterns quite nicely. Is Europe the new Israel?  Perhaps it could have been, but the people failed to pass the test. The patterns continue.

The descendents of Dan, again as the pioneer, and then known as the Vikings, discovered the New World, and called it Vinland. Again they could not maintain possession of it. Later, the vine (the two portions of Joseph) grew and spread there (the final exodus of Israel) and established a new nation. When that nation spread across the new land, Dan took up his position in the north…again. The Scandinavian influence from Minnesota to Michigan is like nowhere else in the country. And Minnesotans wouldn’t call their team the Vikings without a darn good reason, don’tya know?

The Vikings found the New World about the time of the First Crusade, when thousands of innocent Jews were slaughtered. When the Jews were expelled from Spain in the summer of 1492, as a result of the Inquisition, Columbus set sail for the New World. The news of his “discovery” prepared the way for the patterns to be repeated. The persecuted peoples of the Old World inherited a land of plenty in the new, again.

So, is America the new Israel?  Well, Gen. 48: 19 says that Ephraim (the rightful owner of the name Israel) would become “a group of nations”, and that is what United States literally means. Ez.37: 15-22 says that Ephraim, and the tribes associated with him, will one day be joined together with Judah and the tribes associated with him, as one nation, never again to be separated. (We came close once, but the Union was preserved.) From Isaiah (NIV Isaiah 11:13) we learn that “Ephraim will not be jealous of Judah, nor Judah hostile toward Ephraim”. What other nation in history has been a group of nations, and yet at the same time, one nation, while associated with the number 13, and one that hasn’t expelled, or collectively mistreated, the Jews?

The nations of Europe no longer qualify, because of their treatment of the Jews. America’s history, and pre-history, replicates the patterns established by Ephraim, the most blessed. His name is synonymous with Israel, and America is he.

This profile of Ephraim describes the economic and military superpower of the twentieth century that reluctantly, and belatedly, however determinedly, entered both of the World Wars, and twice emerged victorious The one that disarmed quickly after the first war, only to find itself called upon once more, to save the day by supplying both military prowess, and material abundance, in unparalleled fashion, and then took on the role of the world’s peace officer, rather than conqueror?

Or the one that virtually fed the world through its bounty, and would rather “make love, not war”, and yet will fight to defend truth, justice, the underdog and human rights, and above all, freedom? The nation that fits the profile, is the same nation that fits both the prophecies and the patterns of Ephraim, as well!

It seems fitting that this country began much the same way in which the independent kingdom of Israel got its start. Both events were triggered by a declaration of independence from the king. Both nations had an unofficial capitol (Shechem and Philadelphia) before their respective governments each moved north to an official, yet temporary capitol (Tirza and New York City). From there, a leader of each nation (Omri and George Washington) purchased a suitable sight to the south for a permanent capitol where no city had been (Samaria and Washington, D.C.), and oversaw its construction.

The similarity between the Israel of the OT and the settlers of New England was obvious even to them. The Puritans called the new land Canaan, and that name is preserved in Canada. Benjamin Franklin proposed an image of Moses parting the Red Sea for the Great Seal of the new nation, while Thomas Jefferson preferred the children of Israel being lead by a cloud and a pillar of fire. Herman Melville wrote later, “We Americans are the peculiar, chosen people, the Israel of our time”.

America has a bicameral legislature, comprised of the Senate and the House of Representatives: two councils. Is it also coincidence that our office of the president is not a true king, but a servant of the people who is charged with upholding the laws created by their legislature, and the division of power is to be arbitrated by the Judicial branch? That is, after all, the manner in which Israel was to be governed, as established by Jacob, himself.
Yes, America is the true Israel of prophecy. The similarities go on and on. It is undeniable once you study the scriptures again after learning the symbols. Then, even more so, should you decide to extrapolate the patterns above to any point in history. The recognition of this, by us, his chosen people, is crucial at this time. We may yet again be tested by the accusations of the spirit of Dan.
This nation, founded upon faith in God, has forsaken that faith, and so forsaken God. We must wake up the sleeping giant before it is too late. The woes of Ephraim and Judah are already upon us. We must return to God, the God of Israel, and let him heal this land before it is destroyed.

There are forces in this world determined to make people believe that there is no God, who will go to great lengths to prove that they are right. They have persecuted Judah, and his companions, Benjamin and Levi, to make sure that they, the Jews, do not fulfill the prophecies that are seen on the surface; attempting to prove that there is no God.

Therefore, I must first raise His spiritual army in defense of the Truth. It would be prudent to rally the troops before I alert the enemy. What would happen if the enemies of God heard the truth before those who want to believe? I am afraid that the battlefield would not remain a spiritual one. Those who would believe must hear the Truth first, and act upon it, so that those who require more evidence may have it.  The army of God welcomes defectors, for that is the very nature of the spiritual battle.

America’s ancestor peoples and nations had the potential to become the re-united Israel, but they kept throwing their rider. Time after time, our forefathers and recent, distant relatives, have ruled in favor of Dan, over Judah. They were deceived by the Devil himself. The ten non-Jewish lost tribes, who separated from Judah (Benjamin and Levi remained), were supposed to protect her like the vineyard around the garden: (NIV Is. 5: 5-7)

When Dan abandons his post to spite Judah, this is the ultimate cause of the schism that develops. The jealousy and hostility, of which Ezekiel spoke, was borne out of the absence of an arbitrator, who became, instead, the accuser. So, rather than having them work together in a complementary fashion, with each bringing out the best in each other, we are left with Ephraim choosing his own kings, not from the line of Judah, while Judah tirelessly struggles to gain control of Ephraim’s economy from behind the scenes. Then, whenever Judah is about to gain control, the Serpent strikes!

Dan upset the symbiotic, co-dependent relationship that he was charged with balancing! He began the dissolution of the kingdom before the throne was even established. The spirit of Dan broke us apart from one another from the beginning, and has repeatedly done so, even unto our lifetimes. He has gone to great lengths throughout history, to drive a wedge between us, to keep us all (not just Judah) from fulfilling our destiny, which is the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. The spirit of Dan, not Judah, is responsible for the miseries of the past. He rebelled, and then he led the others astray. He will pay dearly for his rebellion. How much more will he suffer for his sedition?

Judah, though, is not completely blameless. Believing that the blessings of the covenant should have been theirs as the right of the firstborn: they mistreated Ephraim, through whom those blessings flowed. (Rehoboam tried to rule over his cousins like the Pharaohs had ruled over all of them; he treated Israel like slaves.) But the blessings of the covenant, and the right of the firstborn (that Judah received), are two different things. Remember, Jacob bought the one, and stole the other; they were not a package deal! Even though they installed puppet kings over Israel to insulate themselves from the volatility of the economy, they could not keep from being made the scapegoat. Have they not paid dearly for their mistakes?

Ephraim, of course, must take his share of the blame. For how many times now has he been given another chance to accept Judah as his rightful ruler? Yet he continued to make the wrong choice; time, after bloody time. The donkey, Issachar, threw his rider a few times, as well. They also suffered for the choices they made. They all have, including Dan.

All of the tribes have made mistakes, and each needs to forgive, as well as be forgiven of one another. They are the spoiled children of Jacob, still fighting over his estate, hundreds of generations later. Now that we have read the “Will and Testament of Jacob”, our ancestor, will we finally break the cycle, accept who we are, and get on with God’s plan? This is the next step in preparing the Kingdom of God for the return of the true King.

To pass the test, and receive the full measure of God’s blessings and promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: all 13 of the tribes of Israel must be banded together, and the two tribes of Joseph (the vine): Ephraim and Manasseh, must defend and protect Judah! They need Judah, who is blessed with the gifts of organization and administration, to properly manage their bountiful resources. Judah, on the other hand, needs proper access to those resources to fulfill their duty.

Together as one with their brethren, as they were under King Solomon, they will become the greatest nation the world has ever known. And the world will know that He is God, when it sees what He has done through them.

The Jews have been in, and a part of, America from the beginning. We have not only tolerated them, we have befriended them, admired them, even envied and pitied them. They have been relatively safe among us, but not completely so. For, we have also tolerated their accusers. We must not buck the rightful ruler of God’s chosen people, and deny our right to this land and God’s promise. The buck must stop here!

Many Americans like to think that they live in the greatest country that there is, or maybe ever was. Today, however, there are inhabitants of other countries, and even some Americans, who would argue that point. Many believe that America’s glory days are over, and that she is destined to become just another player in the global economy, or “world community”.

We are walking down that path because we haven’t known who we really were, and therefore knew not where we were really headed. Others have made us feel ashamed of our wealth, and have nearly convinced us to give it away, so that we become equal. (Hosea 7: 8-10):
8 “Ephraim mixes with the nations;
    Ephraim is a flat loaf not turned over.
9 Foreigners sap his strength,
    but he does not realize it.
His hair is sprinkled with gray,
    but he does not notice.
10 Israel’s arrogance testifies against him,
    but despite all this
he does not return to the Lord his God
    or search for him.

The world will indeed be blessed through us, but not at the cost of our own blessings. That is not our destiny.

Even through our amnesia, before we were told of our true identity, we knew in our hearts that it was our duty to protect the Jews, and have done so openly and unabashedly from the moment that we discovered what had happened under Hitler. Together with the Jews we have said “Never again!”

Public affirmation that “We are Israel, and Judah is our brother” is one act that can change the whole world for the better. It will, of course, require the recognition by Judah that Jesus, the Lord of the Lost Tribes, is the true King of Kings. If Judah will not follow Jesus, the true king, then Ephraim will not follow Judah.

Self-denial, from either side, will mean our destruction as a nation! Our own history is testimony to the existence of God, and the truth of His Word. We need only face the truth and acknowledge it.

15 Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts.
2 Corinthians 3:15 (NIV)

An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω meaning "uncovering"), translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden, “a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities".
Bart D. Ehrman, "How Jesus Became God", pg. 59, ISBN 978-0-06-177818-6

You have now seen how to lift the veil, and some of what it conceals. As you go back and re-read the Holy Bible with the knowledge you have just acquired, keep in mind that it is a self-paced correspondence course from God. The truth will come out if your heart and mind are open.
As you learn more and more about the symbols, what they represent, and how they interact, you will begin to learn concepts. As these concepts develop, you will begin to see relationships and patterns at the conceptual level that were not readily apparent on the surface.

This how you would come to recognize four men from Genesis and their blessings as the four horsemen in Revelation, not by symbols directly, but by the failure of their now clearly defined attributes (and listed in the same succession as their military assignments), which were cleverly and deliberately hidden behind the symbols. And also, how you would recognize the horsemen, not merely as events waiting to happen, but more than that... a timestamp on the vision itself.

Begin by reading the Holy Bible from the Beginning to the End. Learn all you can about symbols every time they are referenced. Verify what I have shown you, and continue the journey on your own. Read out of the pages what they tell you, not into the pages what I, nor anyone else, has said about it. For if you choose the latter, you will make little further progress. There are many concepts that I have not even mentioned yet, waiting to be learned by anyone who seeks them out. Even the very meaning of life.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2016, 08:15:37 am »
So you separate the land of Israel and Jerusalem? Which one will Christ return to?

The Covenant of Circumcision

“As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. 5 No longer will you be called Abram ; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations. 6 I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. 7 I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. 8 The whole land of Canaan, where you now reside as a foreigner, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God.”
« Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 08:22:49 am by Bob »


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Is America attempting to divide Jerusalem ?
« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2016, 08:58:40 am »
 Can anyone disagree that America is attempting to divide Jerusalem?

 Exactly where in the Scriptures does America fit in the chapter of Joel 3?


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Re: Is America attempting to divide Jerusalem ?
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2016, 02:58:18 pm »
Can anyone disagree that America is attempting to divide Jerusalem?

 Exactly where in the Scriptures does America fit in the chapter of Joel 3?

The White House forgot its own policy on Jersualem Friday — at least temporarily.

The administration initially sent out a copy of President Barack Obama’s remarks at former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres’ funeral in Jerusalem, indicating that the remarks had been given in Jerusalem, Israel. But later Friday afternoon, the press office sent out a correction to the previous email, striking out “Israel” from the header.

U.S. policy has long refrained from recognizing any nation’s sovereignty over Jerusalem. Both Israelis and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their capital, with Israel declaring in 1980 the city was its undivided capital.

Read more here:


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2016, 08:20:15 pm »
So you separate the land of Israel and Jerusalem? Which one will Christ return to?

The Covenant of Circumcision

“As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. 5 No longer will you be called Abram ; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations. 6 I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. 7 I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. 8 The whole land of Canaan, where you now reside as a foreigner, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God.”

I separate the Biblical prophecies For Judah and Israel. The name Israel was passed to the Tribe of Ephraim, along with the Blessings of the Covenant. It is the Tribe of Ephraim, not Judah, that is interchangeable with Israel. If you read Israel in the Bible and equate that with the modern state that bears the name, you are mistaken.

The stick of Ephraim and the stick of Judah were joined as one, never again to be separated, long before 1948. Just look at the Almanac. The United States fulfills the prophecies for Israel, and Judah is right here among us.


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Re: Is America attempting to divide Jerusalem ?
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2016, 08:44:40 pm »
Can anyone disagree that America is attempting to divide Jerusalem?

 Exactly where in the Scriptures does America fit in the chapter of Joel 3?

Judah and Jerusalem are interchangeable. Judah is a subset (1/13th) of Israel.

Have you ever heard it said that Israel (the modern state) is the 51st state of the US?


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2016, 12:09:11 am »

I separate the Biblical prophecies For Judah and Israel. The name Israel was passed to the Tribe of Ephraim, along with the Blessings of the Covenant. It is the Tribe of Ephraim, not Judah, that is interchangeable with Israel. If you read Israel in the Bible and equate that with the modern state that bears the name, you are mistaken.

The stick of Ephraim and the stick of Judah were joined as one, never again to be separated, long before 1948. Just look at the Almanac. The United States fulfills the prophecies for Israel, and Judah is right here among us.

Jesus ascended to heaven from the Mount of Olives, on the east side of Jerusalem, and Jesus is coming again to the same place.

Acts 1:9-12 The Ascension
9 And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them. 11 They also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven."

Jesus is not coming to London, New York or Rome. Jesus will return to Jerusalem in glory.

Zechariah 14:4 On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south. 5 You will flee by my mountain valley, for it will extend to Azel. You will flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then the LORD my God will come, and all the holy ones with him.

Ezekiel 20:40 For on my holy mountain, the high mountain of Israel, declares the Sovereign LORD, there in the land all the people of Israel will serve me, and there I will accept them. There I will require your offerings and your choice gifts, along with all your holy sacrifices.

Joel 3:1 "For behold, in those days and at that time, When I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, 2 I will gather all the nations And bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; And they have divided up My land.

Quote from: Excaliburst
Judah and Jerusalem are interchangeable. Judah is a subset (1/13th) of Israel.

Have you ever heard it said that Israel (the modern state) is the 51st state of the US?

It's not in the Bible.

2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2016, 06:19:01 am »
What is not in the Bible, Bob?

I assume you meant my question. And it pertains to modern political commentary. And no, it is not in the Bible.

Judah being 1/13th of Israel should be undeniable.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2016, 12:28:00 pm »
What is not in the Bible, Bob?

I assume you meant my question. And it pertains to modern political commentary. And no, it is not in the Bible.

Judah being 1/13th of Israel should be undeniable.

No, it was a statement of fact, it is not biblical.

Your opinion in my opinion is laughable. If you care to make your case I refer you to-  2 Timothy 3:16.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2016, 05:30:40 pm »
No, it was a statement of fact, it is not biblical.

Your opinion in my opinion is laughable. If you care to make your case I refer you to-  2 Timothy 3:16.

I live by it.

I made my case. Did you read it, or just skim it so you could label it, and revert to pre-programmed responses? Test my words against the Scriptures and they will stand. Test the Almanac to any event in history. Extrapolate further, and test ancient history of Western Civilization.

Can you refute the fact that the Almanac pinpoints the Holocaust in History? Apparently not, since you have already resorted to insults. What a pity there are no open minds or hearts in such a place as this.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #28 on: October 01, 2016, 06:15:54 pm »
I live by it.

I made my case. Did you read it, or just skim it so you could label it, and revert to pre-programmed responses? Test my words against the Scriptures and they will stand. Test the Almanac to any event in history. Extrapolate further, and test ancient history of Western Civilization.

Can you refute the fact that the Almanac pinpoints the Holocaust in History? Apparently not, since you have already resorted to insults. What a pity there are no open minds or hearts in such a place as this.

Definition of almanac
1:  a publication containing astronomical and meteorological data for a given year and often including a miscellany of other information
2:  a usually annual publication containing statistical, tabular, and general information

It's kind of funny because the latter-day Saints priestly similar theology. They claim that the American Indians are the lost tribes of Israel. They ran into a major problem when DNA testing came about. We know that the American Indians do not descend from the Jews. Why is it that people such as yourself refused to accept the prophecy of God's word?


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2016, 06:20:11 pm »
Why is it that people such as yourself refused to accept the prophecy of God's word?

Funny... I was just wondering the same about you.

Good day to you, and your hard-hearted ways.